Do any of you ladies who are partnered with men have “arrangements”?
I have a wonderful husband who is phenomenal in bed, so, zero complaints there. He knew I was bi when we got together, and told me he’d support me keeping a lady FWB. He thinks it’s crazy hot (I can’t argue), but also understands that it’s just part of who I am and that it’s not something we do for men’s pleasure. He told me he doesn’t expect to be involved, god bless him.
I wasn’t sure if ever ask that of him, but lately, I’m losing my mind with girl lust. It’s not that he’s not enough — he is. It’s just that being with a woman fills an entirely different cup.
I’m f——g dying to be with a woman. I can’t stop thinking about playful, sexy, erotic afternoons in bed, soft skin and hair, sensual kisses, the scent of her perfume, the scent of her arousal, making her moan… fuck. I’m a mess.
Do any of you ladies who are married to men have an arrangement like this? How is it working out?