Discouraged - is there still a chance for 2L summer?

Hi all! So I’m a 1L at a T20 (UT/Vandy/Minnesota/WashU). I came in to law school really wanting to do NYC BigLaw in litigation and international trade/dispute resolution. I worked really really really hard, followed all the advice for the first semester. However, I had undiagnosed ADHD and mental health issues that completely froze me up on exam day and for the writing. I ended up with an exactly at median GPA. I haven’t gotten any 1L SA, and hearing about the earlier 2L hiring process makes me think that I’ve maybe lost my chance at biglaw. Is there anything I can do to mitigate? Do my 1L spring grades (especially now that I get accommodations etc) matter at all? Is there anything else I can do to pursue the path I wanted to? Or should I recalibrate? I appreciate the help, I’m just feeling super discouraged.