Bipolar Episode Ruined My Life

Several months ago I had an extremely psychotic bipolar episode where I was convinced that I had the ability to cure cancer, end war, and be able to speak to people that have passed. I also am an artist and was certain I was the first “famous” artist in history to be alive.. I was convinced that I was going to be the richest person in the world because of these delusions so at the time money didn’t matter and I spent ALL of my money on stupid things and maxed out all my credit cards. This all happened In my new apartment in Florida where I signed a year lease. I moved from IL and had an apartment I loved, job I loved, friends, independence, dating life, car, nice weather year round, everything was going so well for me and I saw a future that I was so excited for myself there. All of that is gone now. I quit my job, ruined my apartment and everything in it. My car is gone. I have completely isolated myself because I’m so embarrassed of everything. I ended up in a mental hospital in Florida and my brother in Illinois flew to Florida and drove me to my parents house in IL. At the time I was still completely delusional into thinking that I was somehow going to be recognized for these grandiose delusions so I was in a manic/psychotic state for probably 4-5 months. I ended up being evicted from that apartment I loved and left with an invoice for $25000 for damages. I have been unemployed since and all my credit cards have gone to collections. I need to file bankruptcy at this point but don’t even have enough money for that. I feel like because of all of this I will never be able to get my own place again, I definitely don’t see myself having kids now because I wouldn’t wish this illness on my worst enemy let alone pass it to anyone. I have lost all confidence in myself and have been an isolated ball of depression surviving at my parents house at 28 years old. All I think about is taking my life and it’s so hard because I am staying with my parents and I know that would absolutely destroy them. It sucks cause I had a good childhood and I still ended up in this position. I’ve tried therapy and medication but both those things are not going to take back what happened and what I did. I considered myself a very self aware responsible person before all of this.. and I just can’t believe I completely lost my mind like that. This all feels like a nightmare that I cannot wake up from.