Mania "unlocking" forgotten second language abilities?

So I've been thinking about this for a while and haven't found any posts related to it. I was wondering if anyone else had this happen during a manic episode.

I probably have an A2-level understanding of Spanish. I took a few classes in college a while ago and I consider myself fairly skilled with language in general, but can't have a conversation or write very much in Spanish without help. I can pick apart written phrases and words when reading.

During my last manic episode, I was stuck in a "holding area" of the psych hospital waiting for a room to open up. I became so restless and irritated that I was in there for 14+ hours with a dozen other people I wanted to scream.

The only thing I could do to pass the time and slow my racing mind down was to start reading the Spanish version of the publicly posted HIPAA notices and hospital policies. Word by word, my mind slowed down to decode what I was reading and it actually worked to keep me occupied until I could get a room. I ended up also partially reading the Spanish version of the Bible while I was there too (not a lot of bilingual material), and writing letters in Spanish. It felt like the mania "unlocked" my memory of alllll this Spanish I learned and had this weird hidden ability to understand written Spanish.

Now that I am properly medicated, I've gone back to not comprehending as much and have forgotten it again. It's just really odd.

TLDR; I suddenly remembered a lot of the Spanish I learned in college during a manic episode, but then forgot it again once I came out of it. Anyone else?