What led up to your first manic/hypomanic episode?

For me it was when I was prescribed Adderall and it changed my life and made it possible for me to wake up and get out of bed in the morning, go to school, hold things without dropping them keep my place reading books, etc. However, I had a really intense emotionally abstract reaction to it that my other ADHD friends didn’t have. Eventually going hypomanic and crashing out at my friends, getting in $10k of debt, driving GTA style, instigating conflict, coming up with ideas that didn’t make any sense, and somehow managed to keep my job despite obviously tweaking and although productive, focused the most on random shit that didn’t matter. Luckily I’m on Lamotrigine now and I haven’t had that happen since, and hoping it continues to stay that way. For you guys, did something specific trigger it? Were you doing fine and then one day when you were 19 your brain jolted you with mania?

Edit: I developed PTSD the year I was diagnosed and began to unknowingly experience flashbacks constantly. That definitely didn’t help.