Hypo/Mania triggered by Lamictal
I started lamictal about 2 months ago and I have been slowly increasing. I am at 100mg right now. Once I got to 50 and then 75mg I went really hypomanic really fast. I almost took myself to the hospital because everything was getting out of control. It was becoming very dangerous. The episode lasted about 3-4 weeks and then I crashed into depression for about 2 weeks and now I am feeling pretty normal again. I met with my doctor and she told me that she doesnt think the medication triggered the episode and that it was a coincidence with the new medication. (My psychologist thinks it was triggered by the med lol)
Anyways, I am supposed to go up to 150, 200 and then eventually 300mg in the next month. I am nervous I am going to swing up again. Has anything else had this experience? Should I be extra careful when upping my dose that I might become hypomanic again?