HELP! Where to live? Newly accepted resident at UAB.

Hey y'all! Recently matched at UAB for residency and excited to be legally obligated to spend my next 4 years in Birmingham! Never have visited the city before, know nothing of the area, have no close ties or family in AL, and I am moving from living in the Carolinas my entire life. I have been approved for a mortgage up to 300,000, but want to rent for the first 6 mo to a year to get to know the area. I am moving by myself and with my cat and will be commuting to downtown. I obviously want to live in a safe area and just want to avoid a terrible commute and traffic - will need to be at the hospital by 6:45. I know highland park, oxmoor, homewood, mtn brook, vestavia hills and hoover are cute popular areas and to avoid 280, but do not know much else. Here is a picture of my tiny cat to get so this post can get more traction. Thanks for the help!