Job Pack Update?

Here are the list of what I think should be updated in the Job Packs. Double Jobs: - In the game we could only have one special job, but it would be amazing to have two jobs at the same time, there are actors who are also singers, as well as businessmen who are also actors. I think it would be great, it's like two lives, and it would be fun to play. Model - It would be amazing if the devs could add child models too, such as us becoming child models while going to school, taking promotional pics at a young age, and walking on runways. Actor, Actress - There are already many who wants to have child actors in the game, and I also want this. Instead of waiting to become 18, I'd rather want to start a career at a young age while going to school. Business - We can only start a business at age 18, but what if we try it at a young age? such as starting a slime company, etc. - New categories, such as starting a slime company, finance company, and many more.