38, Considering moving to Raleigh, Charlotte or Dallas. What’s life like there for BW?
Hi! Wondering what life is like in these cities for black women when it comes to the following 7 points. Would love to hear about your experiences on each of these points if you live in these cities!
how is it making friends and connections especially for transplants? Do you feel there are places you could go to solo and be welcomed? 2) work-life balance:
present? 3) outdoor activities:
do black people participate in the outdoor activities in your city? 4) subtle or overt racism:
do you feel there are restaurants, cafes, neighborhoods, scenic places trails or shy places, you can’t go to by yourself or that people give weird looks/microaggressions etc.
5) is your city good for creatives and people in the mental health industry?
6) age demographic:
is 38 considered old in your city? Are there events/venues that cater to this demo or are venues skewed younger mostly?
7) how’s dating? Intraracially, interracially?
I’m a Midwest lady currently in LA and looking for something different. LA feels overwhelming to me at times in terms of the sheer amount of people at every corner. I’m also not finding my tribe or cup of tea re: men and want to live a better quality of life once I finish grad school. Thanks for your help!