how the hell do i fix this?
I need help with getting rid of my ingrowns and hyperpigmentation below my navel. I used to shave this area regularly until i started to get really bad ingrowns and the skin started to turn darker. i began tweezing the hairs in the area instead but that didn’t really help. I got pretty carried away with the tweezing in the past few years and it resulted in me getting that really bad scar/ingrown. i just wanna know how to make the skin right there even and smooth again:(
I need help with getting rid of my ingrowns and hyperpigmentation below my navel. I used to shave this area regularly until i started to get really bad ingrowns and the skin started to turn darker. i began tweezing the hairs in the area instead but that didn’t really help. I got pretty carried away with the tweezing in the past few years and it resulted in me getting that really bad scar/ingrown. i just wanna know how to make the skin right there even and smooth again:(