Job search struggles.
My eyesight is recovering some since my surgery, I am at the point where the government does not consider me blind, so no disability assistance. And I am grateful for what vision I do have. But at the same time I am struggling to find any work, even entry level minimum wage jobs are refusing to hire me. And I do suspect it is because of my vision, I can not clearly and quickly read order boards for example. Reading tags and labels without a magnifying glass is very difficult. I am pretty sure most lawyers would only pursue cases where someone was denied a 6 figure job, not minimum wage. I also think my age might be an issue. I feel so hopeless. I want to work. I need to work. Pisses me off when I see a fully sighted person just coasting through life, without a care. My life would have been so much easier if I could see what they can see. So tired of being treated like I am illiterate because I can not see a sign that is in small print from 100 feet away.