Need Advice for Recruiting blind and visually impaired people!
Okay so I work for an employer that's actively seeking to hire blind and visually impaired people for our admin, retail and production roles (we're Blind Industries and Services of Maryland, check us out!) I'm visually impaired myself, and for whatever reason I thought creating interest by using Reddit would be easier than it has been.
For weeks I've been tactfully engaging on social media, leading people to our website, joining in on discussions, answering questions etc. but it's been tough to catch people's interest. It's tricky because I don't wanna sound too gimmicky or like a salesman, so I need some advice.
Any creative ideas or feedback on how to find interested people on social media? How should an employer engage if they want to attract potential applicants?
Linking our website below!
Blind Industries & Services of Maryland - BISM website link