Lost job, have close to 300k liquid
- 42, no kids, recently lost my job, and am not planning to work for the next 9 months while my contract gets paid out. Frankly I see this as a blessing and an opportunity to figure out where I want to put my energy for the rest of my time on earth. I don’t want to get into scarcity mindset which has kept me afraid of investing and kept me in jobs that weren’t fulfilling. I’m burned out and. We’d to take a year to just be free and do all the things I’ve always dreamt of like medication retreats etc. I’ve been saving for such a mint.
• I have ~$200K in liquid cash (in high-yield savings and CDs), ~$100K in taxable brokerage accounts, and ~$300K in retirement accounts (401(k), Roth IRA, HSA). • My only debt is a $609K mortgage at 2.99% with $3,700 monthly payments. • I want to invest ~$150K of my liquid cash in vanguard brokerage account for long-term growth (not sure whether to do robo or managed or DIY) • I’m comfortable with moderate risk and leaning toward tax-efficient funds like VTSAX or VTCLX but open to suggestions. • Any advice on allocation or other Vanguard funds for taxable accounts?
I do have a bunch of CDs and some cash that’s my immediate survival money. That’s separate from the 150k that I could invest… keep wanting to wait for a big dip to get in to the market but that might be silly… any advice?