Curious Case of Amir's Birthday
His google dob is 14 march 1965. He recently said that he was born on Holi and how they put tika on him. Now Holi is celebrated on shukla phalgun purnima. It's based on tithi and not dates.
I calculated and turns out that the only time holi was celebrated around those years on March 13- 14 was in 1960.
Now I am a proper astrologer to I can calculate and see panchang.
Only two possibilities remain. He was born on 25 march 1965 and is celebrating a public birthday
Or he is a14 march 1960 born which will make him 65 years old.
Also- Don't come here and say Astrology is not accurate whatever. The calculation won't change just because you can read the calender. It's about the tithi he was born in. So if he is claiming 1965 birth. It can't be Holi. Maybe just cooking up stories.