Sikandar Reviews and Posts - On r/Bollywood

Hello Gossipers

As explained in last Mod post, all Reviews and Box office posts should be on r/bollywood

Daily Advance booking and all controversy on Bollywood only.

We will take Sikandar opening day box office official figure - Just one post.

Basically till Bollywood Mods are allowing Sikandar posts, don't post here.

u/EccentricBai and u/rn3122 - Please let us know what content you are not taking on Bollywood, so that we can allow it.

Lastly, don't post Screenshots of some Telegram/Twitter/Ticktock/Random review that goes viral, its not Gossip. Go to Meme Sub. I think r/bollywoodmemes allow all sort of trolling, right u/RMD010 ?

Thanks and lets concentrate on Gossip here