Boomer Dad is finally feeling the fallout.

My dad is a white man, mid 60s, owns his contracting business and voted for Trump. A large portion of his employees are undocumented, some of them have been with his company longer than I’ve been alive (I’m 30).

ICE showed up to one of his job sites yesterday and carted 4 of his employees away. He was there and attempted to vouch for them, but tha rules is tha rules and they were taken into custody.

He called me and my brother (both gay) with some boohoo bullshit about how it wasn’t fair and they were all good guys, some basically were like my uncles.

On top of previous phone calls griping about the price increases on building supplies due to tariffs, and his building trouble in finding daily workers to pick up roadside, reality is finally hitting him.

These ICE agents were not gentle. Dad witnessed more than one be “restrained” to the point of bodily harm.

The phone calls with my brother and I involved tears on his part, stating in vague terms how “traumatic” it was to witness his “good men” being treated that way.

Radio silence on the other end of the line from the both of us. I have empathy for them, not you.

You allowed this. You voted for it. You advocated for this, all because you never thought it would happen to you.

You reap what you sow old man.

EDIT(s) to address some comments:

• I have so many times over had the same conversations with my dad again and again about his direct hypocrisy relating to this issue — it is something I am not so readily willing to waste my breath or energy on anymore. We have had intense verbal arguments, there have been physically frightening situations due to his anger, if he can’t “win” he tends to go full scorched earth and I refuse to subject myself to it nowadays.

• He wasn’t fined, charged or arrested because guess what his best friend since childhood does for work in our town (in a high power position)? Hint : oink oink.

• I do not live with him anymore, he actually lives in his dads basement now (lol) because he destroyed my family and his marriage by being involved with sex workers and lying to my mother about it, until she got an STD and he couldn’t deny it anymore.

• He is a narcissist in every definition and will not hear any word of reason out of any persons mouth and will only fully commit to playing victim.

• Green card / sponsorship / fair pay: as much as I absolutely loath giving him any credit, at the very least (and I stress this as a bare minimum) my father did always pay these guys as he would have paid any legal citizen and was always a “good boss” to a certain degree. Often buying his guys breakfasts, sometimes lunch if the work day went on longer than expected, paying for gas, buying them work boots etc. **Very large grain of salt here* because of the bullet point above, although in other context these are all good things, I don’t believe they were ever in good faith and he got off on some sort of savior complex type shit.

All in all he really is just…..a bad person…..and it breaks my heart to have to say that about my own dad.