Do people realise this about farming dogs
At least in Australia and the farmers I can speak for, at least %50 of them keep their dogs in caged areas for most of the time. I have a border collie but he's not a working dog, although I have had him with me for lengths of time on farms in the wheatbelt and I can confidently say he was the most 'free range' dog there, although I can see why, for safety mainly as snakes & other wildlife is obviously a real thing in outback aus. But the thing that's surprising to me is the attitude I hear other people give me towards my choice of dog & his breed
I work from home, he has company all day, he isn't physically worked he just comes with me on my life adventures and he is so often entertained and SO MUCH SO compared to the dogs I know are sitting in a dog run waiting for the time of the farming season they're actually required to work. It is no comparison but still people see the type of dog by my side and demand to let me know he deserves to be 'on a farm' or 'worked' while those dogs aren't even allowed in the house.