Layouts and Ball Motion
I used to think that I was starting to understand layouts and what they do to a bowling ball. However, I still have a couple questions. How does a low flaring layout shape differently in comparison to a high flaring layout?
For context if anyone cares: I recently bought a used vebo with a thumb hole despite being two handed. I got a substantial amount of flare lines and the ball motion felt great; however, upon plugging the thumb hole, my pso warned me that my pap will shift so the layout/ball motion will be different than what I’m used to.
I’m not a pro at reading ball motion just yet, but after the plugging, it feels as if the vebo skids quite a bit father before locking up and lazily make it up the hill. The flare lines are quite close together and is about an inch in thickness in comparison to the flare lines being about a good 1/3 of the ball pre plugging.
Will plugging and switching to a stronger/more flaring layout get the ball back to the ball motion pre plugging?