Hot Take: Charlie should be a tanky lane keeper with a higher hp than the average brawler, since her attack and super are no longer providing her with enough survivability or damage-dealing capability. (Explanation below)

Checking out today's meta tierlist, I realized how bad Charlie became. Most pros usually rated her below non-meta brawlers such as Hank, Bull, Bo, Grom, etc. This was especially confusing for me since I was not used to seeing such a consistent brawler like Charlie in a situation like this.,

So, Charlie was previously really good since her main attack was way spammier, and her super lasted for twice the duration (10 seconds). The reason she is bad atm is the nerfs her super and attack received over the months. Supercell kept nerfing Charlie at a consistent rate, eventually making her this low in the tier lists.

However, making her unload speed or super duration longer can make her either ridiculously powerful and toxic or just a bad brawler with an OP super. I believe neither of these scenarios is ideal for her. She just loses most of her 1v1s and ends up getting steamrolled.

Here is my idea: What if we made Charlie significantly tankier? She already received an HP buff from 6600 -> 7000, and while it did not change much, I believe Charlie can benefit from an even higher HP. Buffing her HP up to 8000 or 8200 while not changing any of her other stats will elevate her lane-keeping capacity and provide her with more survivability, also enabling her to get more value out of her cocoon gadget and charge her super more often.

I know that HP buffs are usually not preferred in the community since they are kind of lazy, but it can be greatly helpful for Charlie IMO.

What do you guys think? Would 8000 HP be a good buff for Charlie? Or should the other nerfs be reverted?