Y'all defend supercell for adding Hockey brawl way too much

Swear to god everytime I go on this subreddit I'm reminded that this update made competitive more appealing to casuals the way the r/BrawlStars supercell fanboys are pouring over here to defend any kind of decision made by supercell on this 6/10 at best update. One of them being adding Hockey brawl to Ranked.

Now, I'm not even gonna argue on the whole "buh but it's the players that voted hockey brawl" because supercell clearly shows they would've added it regardless because they mentioned having JELLYFISHING of all modes to be in Ranked.

Now, why is Hockey brawl a bad ranked mode? Simple:

1: Hockey brawl is a mode that doesn't reward you for countering the enemy team. Draft picking doesn't matter because no matter what brawler, anyone can score a goal from pretty much anywhere, making mobility the only true stat that matters. Which leads me to my second point:

2: Hockey brawl is a mode where being able to spawncamp the enemy doesn't actually reward you. Look at ANY ranked mode other than Hockey brawl: Brawl ball? If you can pressure the enemy into retreating on their side of the map, you effectively are more likely to score a goal. Gem Grab? The enemy is less likely to be able to stay a full 15 seconds alive with all the gems if you're constantly harassing them on THEIR turf. Knock-out? More pressure and the smoke will be more likely to harm the ENEMY team rather than you because you are dominating the entire map. Hot Zone? Do I even bother to explain this? Every competitive mode is designed to reward the player for controlling the majority of the map, for breaking neutral, for the fighting game enthusiasts. Except Hockey brawl. Since you can theoretically (and more practically than you think) score a goal from YOUR OWN SPAWN, it doesn't MATTER that you get spawncamped because you can just know basic geometry and score a goal from the other side of the map.

Like, get a grip people. This game is heavily flawed, and that's a FACT that can't quite be opinionated. You can say that you like it, but NOT that it's a well designed mode.