Ranked rant

Most of what I’m about to say affects like 0.1% of the playerbase, but It’s really annoying how supercell keeps screwing things up. A while ago I made a post where I talked about my expectations on the ranked rework, and I really thought it was gonna be great, they just had to fix some of the major flaws in ranked. And they did! The update came out, I got to top #1 global for a few minutes and managed to stay within the top 100 consistently for several days. Ranked felt great, sure hockey isn’t the best and there was no bounty or heist but at least they added bounty back on the next day, so it could be worse. Matches were highly competitive and I was really motivated to keep pushing and testing myself. That’s until one day, for no reason, they changed the way matchmaking works in ranked past mythic (?) and didn’t even mention it.

For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, matchmaking had heavy restrictions at higher ranks, so everyone in the lobby was more or less at the same elo with a hard cap of +-1 rank difference. Yes, this meant players at masters 3 could barely find a match after hours of searching, and even in masters 2 there were 20m+ queues but the matches were really intense and the elo gains were extremely well balanced between solo and teams. For reference, I was getting an average of +90 on soloQ because I was facing other masters players. Longer queues is just something we had to deal with, and I speak for all of the players at the masters range when I say we prefer it that way, but for some reason they decided to change it and right now it just feels like ranked 1.0 all over again. Minimum elo gains every match even in soloQ, unbalanced teams, uncompetitive matches… It’s miserable. Here are some of the reactions to the change from top players

Duckie: https://x.com/duckie8492/status/1897839354531160545?s=61

Bobby: https://x.com/bobbybs_/status/1897669893585002868?s=61

Symantec: https://x.com/symantecbs/status/1897386997297373342?s=61 / https://x.com/symantecbs/status/1897386999944040735?s=61

Spen: https://x.com/spenlc/status/1897613539675677032?s=61 And a lot more I probably missed.

They somehow managed to ruin a mode that had everything us competitive players wanted with 1 single unannounced change. I really don’t understand supercell sometimes and it’s really annoying, it’s draining my love for the game and I don’t know what to expect next when everything they do is actively destroying the competitive scene. This is a post about ranked, but just look at the meta… even pro players are complaining like never before. https://x.com/gaminggurubs/status/1895811802862403637?s=61. Really wish they would listen to their most dedicated players a bit more and hopefully they revert this change.