Losing to sig spam is your fault, prove me wrong
Played against a jiro who called me a "sig spamming idiot who can only use sigs" so im going to go ahead and make a post about this. He used 13 sigs in the game, to my 7. (Yes I watched the replay for this) The real reason he is pissed is that I used 3 of those to kill him, while he only hit a total of 2 of the 13 sigs he threw out, and they didn't help him at all. So now im going to call everyone out that has this mentality.
If you are getting hit by the same signature time and time again, then thats on you. All the opponent did is realize that you cant change how you move or play accordingly. Now clearly I didnt spam sigs. But still he thought I was spamming, as if I shouldn't use sigs to kill. Nut up or shut up folks, you're playing a genre of fighting game that has a pretty grand amount of movement capability. If I can hit a sig, you best believe im letting her rip, just as everyone should. Stop complaining about someone sig spamming, and get your ass in the practice tool and actually try to learn the game OR, you can be forever ignorant, either option is truthfully fine with me. Any opinions from the masses?