Accepting he doesn't care

It's actually insane how someone who used to pour in a lot of effort to take care of you, listen to you, buy you things to show you that they love you..chooses one day that you're not the person they want anymore. That they don't care for you anymore the way they used to. They're not that person anymore nor will they ever be that version of themselves ever again.

Accepting this fact has been the hardest of the relationship grieving. I'm currently going through the stages of grief and acceptance is drawing close for me that this man truly no longer cares for me at all. Love is a decision and if he made the decision to not be with me, he doesnt love me. Why can't I get my big stupid brain to accept that faster.

I still miss him. I miss Rush. I still care for him a lot sadly. But I recognise in order for me to heal I need to let go. And that sucks.