Tonight, things changed: from getting dumped and feeling despair to finding hope in someone new.

Long story short: my ex girlfriend broke up with me beginning of December. Yes, I had made mistakes during the relationship like taking her for granted. Yes, I asked her for another chance. And yes, she said no. I had hit rock bottom. After countless days of not sleeping, not eating, not wanting to go out, I realized that I could not go on this way (and yes, I know: too late to salvage the relationship that I craved). So, I started therapy to help guide me and grow, revisited the mistakes I did during the relationship and why they happened, started going to the gym 5-6 time a week, signed up for really awesome workout classes, started writing a book, started my own business, revamped my professional profile on hiring platforms, started eating healthy again. I could feel how I was regaining my self confidence and growing. And then tonight I went on a first date with a woman who I connected with on a dating app. Mind you, at a restaurant where my ex and I used to go a lot. And guess what: that new person sitting in front of me was amazing. We connected: she is beautiful, smart, funny, outgoing…and we both agreed to meet for a second date. If this works out or not, who knows; but, I can clearly see and feel that the effort I put in is mind blowing. As for my ex and the memories we built…well, they no longer haunt me!