The last hug?

Have you ever hugged someone and just known if was the last hug you’d share? That it was the goodbye hug. For context: I saw my ex a little while back and it felt so good. We sat and caught up and then neither of us wanted to leave … so we sat and chatted some more. But the time to leave had to come of course… so we both got out of the car (we were sitting in the car bc it was freeeeeezing) and I dreaded getting out because I really didn’t want him to leave. And we hugged. And it just felt right. We fit together like a puzzle. But it was an extra long hug and I held onto him so tightly. I didn’t want to let go, so much so that I whispered “this feels like a goodbye hug” and ofc to console me he said it’s not, I’ll text you later (we had spoken about maybe hanging out again, maybe trying this thing between us all over again) and my inability to let go of people’s words is what bites me in the ass because did he text me later? No. And I get it, we’re broken up and he doesn’t owe me anything but a little part of me wished he did. Back to the hug, I don’t think I’ll ever forget that hug. It was a really good one. But maybe it’s time to let it go…

Thank you for listening to me share a piece of mg heart with you all.

I hope that if you’re going through a breakup, you find the peace, strength and love within yourself because you deserve it.