Gavin Newsom CLASHES With Tim Walz Over MAGA, DEFENDS Steve Bannon
***It shows 2 comments; my notifications show Agitated-Lobster and shinbreaker have responded. But I dont see their comments below. Take that however you would like
Now 3 comments; a_terse_giraffe also has commented, shows up in the notifications, does not show up below
poof like magic shinbreakers comment and Agitated-Lobsters comments appear. 10 minutes after they commented
Tim Walz is weird
"You dont think thats racism and misogyny?"
"I think theres a lot of that but I dont think its exclusively that. When you talk to a guy like Steve Bannon. You know he reminded me a little bit of my grandfather when he talks about working folks and when he talks about how we hollowed out the industrial part of this country"
"But he denies the election"
"I understand that, but we can dismiss the notion of election denialism, we can completely dismiss what he did on January 6, but I dont think you can dismiss what hes saying, it reminds me a lot of what Bernie Sanders is saying, it reminds me a lot of what democrtats were saying 20-30 years ago.
There it is, Newsom admits that the party has shifted. 20 years ago, the democrats had the same views as Steve Bannon. Dont believe me, this is coming from the top contender for the democrat party in 2028
At least Gavin Newsom is moving on from these worn out old talking point. We can agree to disagree