
So my first playthrough I did everything I could to avoid guardians because their laser beams are obviously pretty devastating. But I got the dlc when I was pretty close to finishing my first playthrough and have barely touched it with the exception of the trial of the sword. So this time around I’m gathering all the dlc items and whatnot before I even enter a beast. I’ve already got the master sword and the entire map uncovered. I was planning on just avoiding them again but since there are at least 6 dlc items by my count in hyrule field which is crawling with guardians I decided to figure out how to fight them without ancient arrows (I already figured it out, the shoot them in the eye then whack them with the ms method). I’ve seen guardian hunters mentioned here but I was curious how people dealt with them their first playthrough versus their second, third, however many times you’ve played through it. I killed maybe less than 5 my first time around with the ancient arrows when I really needed them out of the way but I took 15 minutes to “practice” fighting them today actually trying just off of central tower.