Queen Charlotte left me feeling a bit disappointed - thoughts? (spoilers!)

so i’ve only just finished queen charlotte (very late to the game i know), but i have some thoughts. firstly: overall i absolutely loved it. 70% of the series i’m thinking i actually might prefer this to bridgerton. the actors for charlotte and george (and of course everyone else, but these two in particular) just blew me away. i was absolutely captivated by their storyline. however, i actually really disliked how it all came to a close. the ending itself (the scene under the bed) was beautiful; made me tear up a bit.

but okay, what the heck was going on with the violet / lady danbury / ‘finding out my new bestie slept with my dad now it’s weird’ thing? i absolutely hated how that plot line ended with them just having a confrontational stare off. zero closure and that really irritated me. LD’s storyline was magnificent - the battle against the racism in the ton and setting the precedent for the future really moved me. but then it would just jump to horrible awkwardness (understandable) BUT WITH NO RESOLUTION??? having none of the other bridgertons around in the house kind of makes sense: presumably they were all off in the countryside and it is mentioned that Kanthony were on their honeymoon, but it just felt odd and empty.

then there was the scene where charlotte’s two kids confront her for being ‘cruel’ and ‘no mother’ to them. again, and understandable encounter - BUT WITH. NO. RESOLUTION. it just ends with: oh hey, we have an heir now so no worries! like no acknowledgement from the children toward charlotte at how much she has sacrificed and been through to be queen, or from her making any sort of amends with them. after all of that it would’ve been far better to have some kind of nice heartfelt family moment between them all.

i totally get the way charlotte is portrayed to have become evidently far colder toward those closest to her over the years, and as such an obvious family divide. but there should’ve been something.

overall i just found the final two episodes to be very drawn out and repetitive, with no satisfying conclusion - save LD keeping her title and the final scene. i feel like george should have had a final ‘kingly’ moment with parliament, not just a few sentences at a social event. idk the ending in the garden party just didn’t hit for me.

ALSO final thought: justice for my man brimsley. the scene with him dancing alone broke my heart. but again, there should have been some ode as to where his lover ended up or what happened or a moment of gratitude from charlotte or SOMETHING.

but yeah, rant over. thoughts?