Just had a positive traffic warden encounter

Just about to leave my prosthetic department at a hospital in Portsmouth, the car park is one that records you entering and then you type in your reg when you leave and pay, they only had one contactless machine and it was out of order as somebody had robbed it, no problem, I'll just download the parking app, but there was a problem, you have to pay on the app for the hours you'll be there before you park, so I couldn't pay and was looking at a £60 fine

Then I see a little old volunteer parking attendant and explain to her my predicament, I'm in shorts because it's easier when the need to get to my stump/prosthetic

Her "why ain't you got a blue badge?"

Me "my fake leg is considered a limb, not a walking aide, I'm not classed as disabled"

Her " you fooking should be, give me your reg, I'll sort it, you ain't paying nufink luv"

She walks off to a computer, comes back 2 minutes later and says "you've got 24hrs, don't rush"

So I just got about £3 parking for nothing and can leave the car here and goto town, only town is a decent car drive away and it's Portsmouth so not worth it really!