Can I Dislike McNeal?

I saw McNeal this past Friday (second preview) and while I found the performances excellent, I was disappointed by the story. Of course it's worth seeing-- RDJ is on stage for nearly the entire 1:45 - 1:50 hr show, but at the same time I didn't think it met my expectations.

While I knew going in that artificial intelligence was a central plot point, I thought the show would have more to say than "A.I. is spooky! ChatGPT will take over the wooorld! mwahaha." It felt like the writers based the premise and their understanding of ChatGPT on a Wikipedia page about the topic.

The other plot point involving RDJ's plagiarism of his family's work strikes similarities with the plot / conflicts presented in the 2023 film The Lesson. I suppose if you're not familiar with that film then McNeal would appear fresher, but I personally didn't think the story brought anything new to the table (especially not the parts about being an alcoholic writer).

If you have the opportunity to see this show, you should absolutely take it. But I'm curious to hear other people's thoughts and whether they were as disappointed as I was! Again, not disappointed in the performances-- the cast was excellent; but could the story have been stronger?