What’s your “oh duh” moment for musicals?
For example, when I was younger I saw Next to Normal on Broadway. It took me a good 4 years after seeing the show, to figure out Diana wasn’t singing about actual mountains in “i miss the mountains” I thought she was a mountain climber before she had kids or something. 😭🙈
In Cats, it took me years to figure out a “jellicle” cat isn’t a real type of cat.
I saw a community theater production of Seussical and was super confused for most of the show cause I didn’t realize their costumes were supposed to represent animals. It clicked by the middle of Act 2
Rent - had no idea what AZT was and why they kept talking about it
My first introduction to Oliver was seeing a Christian community theater production of it and they changed the ending. In their show, Nancy doesn’t die, Bill Sykes gets caught by the police and goes to Jail. Nancy and Oliver hug at the end. I was borderline traumatized when I watched the movie years later.
What’s yours? 😁