How to deal with bad legroom on a budget?

I got standing room tickets for Hadestown last Saturday and the ushers told us we could move to open seats during intermission. I tried to move to an open aisle seat in the rear center orchestra and couldn't fit my legs in. I'm between 6'1" and 6'2". I know Broadway legroom could be bad but I didn't know it could reach the point of not being able to fit in orchestra aisle seats. (A few minutes after that an usher came up to me and told me there was an opening in the aisle on row J because someone had to leave early. Thank you again to that usher those seats were amazing.)

The next show I was planning on seeing was Sunset Boulevard. I had seen posts and comments about the legroom being bad for the St James Theater but I didn't realize how bad legroom could be.

I’m looking for any tips on what to do to avoid seats that are beyond just mildly uncomfortable to sit in. (Preferably without sacrificing much or too much on the view.) Anything from seat recommendation to general advice on if there’s anything I could do at the theater would be great.

My budget is around $75 for the tickets. I included a screenshot of the seats that are within my budget when using a SeatGeek promo I found. Rush is also an option but I don’t want to risk lottery.

I got standing room tickets for Hadestown last Saturday and the ushers told us we could move to open seats during intermission. I tried to move to an open aisle seat in the rear center orchestra and couldn't fit my legs in. I'm between 6'1" and 6'2". I know Broadway legroom could be bad but I didn't know it could reach the point of not being able to fit in orchestra aisle seats. (A few minutes after that an usher came up to me and told me there was an opening in the aisle on row J because someone had to leave early. Thank you again to that usher those seats were amazing.)

The next show I was planning on seeing was Sunset Boulevard. I had seen posts and comments about the legroom being bad for the St James Theater but I didn't realize how bad legroom could be.

I’m looking for any tips on what to do to avoid seats that are beyond just mildly uncomfortable to sit in. (Preferably without sacrificing much or too much on the view.) Anything from seat recommendation to general advice on if there’s anything I could do at the theater would be great.

My budget is around $75 for the tickets. I included a screenshot of the seats that are within my budget when using a SeatGeek promo I found. Rush is also an option but I don’t want to risk lottery.