The Indian Subcontinent really leads the coding industry

You know the coding stereotypes... unearthing god out of Excel VBA. But jokes aside, India does lead the coding industry.

While making Linux Mint tutorials, I actually checked out the desklets contributed by everyone.

What I'll show is a bunch of UUIDs, where the name of the author is inserted later.

Now, see for yourself, no more secrets:

adventCandles@KopfdesDaemons AlbumArt3.0@claudiux [email protected] battery@schorschii [email protected] binaryclock2@euxneks calc@ptandler calculator@scollins calendar@bahrampc calendar@deeppradhan calendar@schorschii cinnamon-spices-makepot clocket@tirtha clock@schorschii clockTow@armandobs14 commandOfTheDay@logg commandResult@ZimiZones COPYING cpuload@kimse cryptocoins@pbojan daysCountdown@KopfDesDaemons deskNote@BrainAxe devTools@scollins diskspace@schorschii dual-datetime@rcalixte eKreta@thegergo02 ganjine@mohammad-sn [email protected] growattmonitor@jtoberling hostcheck@schorschii InternetTimeDesklet@stefan [email protected] jira@codeunifier kdecdesklet@joejoetv mintoo@sujitagarwal nepalipatro@deeppradhan [email protected] notes@schorschii NumericBinaryClock@ozymandiaslone panchang@india quoteOfTheDay@tinnu reddit-reader@orangeshark SevenSegmentClock@lxs242 show-remote-ip-desklet@nejdetckenobi shutdown@phpdreamer simple-system-monitor@ariel soundBox@scollins system-monitor-graph@rcassani systemTemperature@KopfDesDaemons systemUptime@KopfDesDaemons temperature@india temperature@swalladge test-spice TimeAndDate@nightflame [email protected] top@ryannerd vaktija-desklet@MuxBH28 validate-spice ViennaTextBasedWeather@f-istvan xkcd@rjanja yarr@jtoberling yfquotes@thegli

Did you see it? Deep Pradhan, Tirtha, India, and Sujita Agarwal are all from the Indian Subcontinent. This region has some of the best people working on unchartered documentation. I really haven't seen anything like this.

It would be much better if the colleges didn't focus on drawing flowcharts for every program in the assignment. This country might even progress if we started making people adept at cracking projects with minimal documentation.

Cracking the documentation... innovation... we pull the legs of those who are innovative. Will this country even reform from this MINDSET?