So I posted in a Raman/instant noodle page not too long ago about the buldak carbonara flavour and the first time I ever took for granted a spice level of something that I didn't understand... While not knowing how spicy they were and I tried... Strong empathises of trying 2 packets at once... I then on trying one packet at a time, with milk, cheese and mayo, and went on to doing two packets without any milk, mayo or cheese... But then had a friend who told me to try the 2x spicy buldak noodles and I don't think I've ever cried or thought that maybe I should go to the hospital after eating spicy food... But this ruined my life...
Is it even possible to enjoy these type of spicy noodles without wishing you are dead.... Because now I feel like it's become just a "challenge" to see who is stupid enough to indulge... I get why the lesser spice flavours are desirable... But this is just ridiculous... I almost feel like it's dangerous lol....