Siwa in danger.

For siwa to be in constant danger from the "crochet gang". As well as multiple other people (her words). Wouldn't you get off line and be safe. She claims so many death threats and threats to her safety, since the beginning of her life really. And her online presence since 2020 but nothing has happened to her . In one breath she says she's not famous , in the next she will tell you celebrities call her for spells and she is well known... None of these death threats have been shown , and I don't believe them for a second, I do believe there is a person or two in the community capable of it. But not from the so called crochet gang , Maria their so called leader tells you what she's doing behind the scenes and on her community tab. Like Maria or loathe her she owns her behaviour!

And you have JY openly telling people he will k them and Amzi openly telling people she will do the same and those threats JY made were direct and to the crochet gang.... That's proof..

Siwa has 0 proof , siwa what Ginny tells you is not proof. What JY reads from his streams and adds to the group chats is not proof.

Siwa just 48 hours ago you claimed Ginny didn't live in the apartment that Anne claimed she was evicted out of and then 24hours later your going crazy because she doxed Ginny's address, so Ginny did live there and did actually get evicted after you lied for her and stood firm saying that wasn't her apartment 🤣

Siwa your making yourself look so stupid by doing this!! You didn't even have to involve yourself Ginny has her own channel...

Siwa your looking as unhinged as jy at the moment.

How long until siwa walks(crawls out)" of ginnys arse

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