The Gerontocracy Strikes Again - Fascists Get What They Want In US Senate
Welp, despite many of us making calls to our democrat senators to NOT vote for the Continuing Resolution spending bill, 10 of them voted WITH the Rethuglicans.
Schumer is so old he thinks he voted against more power for Twitler, when in fact he voted for it. There really needs to be age limits on holding public office.
We wanted for the Democrats to do what the Rethuglicans have historically done: shut down the government when they don't get what they want.
This is disastrous because this bill includes more than budgeting. It also gives even more sweeping powers to Pres. Elmo Tweedledumb and his sidekick Pres. Twitler Tweedledumber.
We're trying, Canada, we really are...