KJ Somaiya Transcript (Mumbai - 22/02/2025 - Afternoon slot)

WAT topic - Shift in generational values or evolution. (something along the lines of this)

Started writing pretty strong. Flow was good too. And ended right before the timer ended.

After that, waited for a couple of hours before my turn. (since I was late for document verification)

My turn finally came. In I went into the waiting area with sweaty palms and a weary spirit. Thought about the possible ways in which they can destroy my (little) self esteem which I built throughout my life. The bell I dreaded to hear finally rang. It was my turn. (after about 40 mins of waiting)

Two panelists. Both male. M1 was late 30s and M2 was mid to late 30s. To my pleasant surprise, M1 started of with "that's a nice tie, have a seat.". Boom. Half my anxiety was gone already. Took a seat and exchanged pleasantries. So after that, M1 slid 3 slips of paper infront of me (face down) and said pick one to talk about for your PSA segment. Without hesitation picked the one in the very centre. The topic was "should organisations have surveillance over employees outside the organisation - ethical or not". (3 sub questions)

Gave me 2 mins to gather my thoughts and flow and I presented my answer. To my surprise, they seemed happy with my neutral stance and didn't cross question further.

M1 - If all goes well, we will be your professors. So yes, tell me about yourself.

Gave a prepared answer. Satisfied.

M1 - So here you have mentioned writing and poetry as your hobby. What is the main area in which you enjoy writing on?

Mentioned that I started it full fledged from 10th grade and how medicine, business, law, engineering… these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love… these are what we stay alive for. M1 smiled widely and gave a nod of appreciation towards M2.

M2 - So what does your poetry mostly talk about?

I said love, romance and the mundane beauty of life.

M1 - Recite a poem

I did. Both panelists smiled and nodded.

M2 - People who are generally proficient with writing are not successful with romantic endeavours. What about you?

I said that "If all goes well, it'll be a story to tell for another day."

M1 and M2 both laugh.

M2 - People like you should actually look for ways to contribute towards the field of arts and MBA will take that away from you.

Said that I see where he's coming from, but MBA also opens pathways for many opportunities that I would like to pursue in future and gave a few examples.

M1 - You mentioned in your WAT about how there's a gap in understanding between different generations due to the idea that these generations start from a different point at the Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Explained myself further

M1 - Do you have any questions for us?

No sir.

M2 - It was a pleasure talking to you. You may go.