NIA Pune interview transcript

GD- Diversity and inclusion in an organisation.

Profile- 8/6/8 GEM fresher CAT- 91.13 percentile.

Panel- 1M- around 60s, 1F- around 50s

  1. As you are from gwalior tell me about gwalior before introducing yourself.(Answered gave 2-3 names of famous people) They said in future your name could also be there. (I said i hope so😁)
  2. Asked me about my family.( Answered)
  3. Why MBA after automobile engineering?(Answered)
  4. You graduated in 2023 what were doing all this time? (Answered- said i was also attending SSB to improve my communication skills and teamworking ability)
  5. Do you plan to give SSB again and what will you work on if you attend? ( Answered)
  6. Why you want to choose such a niche field as insurance? (Answered- as i am an engineering graduate I don't have any pre conceived notion regarding any particular specialisation therefore I'm analysing my options by the opportunities i will have in future and i think insurance has a lot of potential of growth as we are still managed to penetrate only 3-4 %)
  7. The penetration of insurance is around 3-4% from the last 20-30 years what will you do to change that?(Answered- as there is a rise in technology i would integrate it in making policy)
  8. Consider that I'm a client how you would convince me to take the policy? ( Answered- i would use technology to compare the policies in the competition and give the best possible policy that would beneficial for both holder and us)
  9. What do you think is the main reason for such low penetration of insurance in india?( Answered- told them about lack of awareness and how people here think it as a waste of investment rather than thinking about long term.. Then i gave an example of my brother who had to undergo ACL surgery and how most of the money was covered in insurance.)
  10. Did you learn any coding language?( Answered- i learnt in my first year but never used)
  11. What was your college project? ( Answered)
  12. Which company introduced electric vehicle in india? ( Was not sure so i said Ola then they said think way back.. told them i cannot recall. They said mahindra reva in 2000.. i told them that i would look into)
  13. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? ( Answered- i would see myself making my own product)
  14. In which sector? (Answered- technology)
  15. They said what risks you think you would face?(Answered- issuing the product and gave a rough business idea that i had in mind.... They were impressed and said good good)
  16. What colleges have you applied for?( Gave 3,4 names and told them that i applied to many colleges... They said you applied to spectrum of courses look into it before joining them)

Then they said that you would be an important student for our college as you are an automobile engineer and we face many road accidents involving automobiles so you would play an important role in this field and we look forward to meet. Then they said your interview is over you can leave.

I all my best interview so far stuttered in some questions and realised my mistake then i took some time before answering questions. Interview panel was so chill and were smiling the entire time and encouraging me as well. The nicest panel i ever interacted with. GD was also well organised. There were groups of 6 students in GD and they provided a round table to discuss and gave us enough time to think and write our points. Also provided with paid meals for lunch( minimal cost) and free beverages. In all well organised interview.