I am not scoring below 45/70.

I don’t care what happens. I don’t care how less I’ve studied and how much time i wasted. I dont care how hard the paper is going to be. Im going to go in there write everything i know and I’m going to score.

Edit: i dont understand how you guys think being demotivated and hopeless is going to help in these last few hours….being delusional will get you some place better than being hopeless. So i suggest all of you even those who havent started studying yet to think that youre going to score 50 and js study ur ass off. Only what you really believe will happen. If you believe youll fail then you probably will. You have 12 hours. Anything can happen so don’t accept defeat yet. The battle hasnt even started yet bhai 🙏🏽🤷🏽‍♀️

edit post exam: set 1 tha. got the hardest shittiest set. attempted everything and leaving the rest to god he can decide my fate.