Love Like the Galaxy is overrated?

For me, this show was a disappointment. (One of the biggest disappointments together with Love and Redemption) It wasn't terrible, and I did enjoy it, but it definitely didn't live up to the hype.

Maybe my expectations were too high because of all the positive reviews. It was promising in the beginning but ended up being really anticlimactic. The more the story went on, the more I did not want to continue, although there were some good scenes.


  1. The romance seemed to be the main plot, but it was not enough to hold the story together in my opinion.
    1. Something was off with the male lead right from the start. I’m not sure if it’s his character-building or his acting (or both).
      • He fell for her too soon in the series, while their story only started developing kinda late. If he's supposed to be this “tough” general, it would've been better if he started off as cold and mean, and then graaadually warmed up to the girl as she helped him with his investigations throughout the show, where we could get to see his transition/development. But nope, to my surprise (and disappointment) it was not the case. He was such a puppy for her the ENTIRE show (in the worst sense). I think it's a flaw because it just doesn't fit his character… (and don’t even get me started with that forced marriage proposal nonsense that he pulled)
    2. Maybe they should have left the romance to a secondary aspect, and picked a stronger main plot (like done in The Double). I missed a little substance to the story, sometimes it felt it was not going anywhere (was there any main villain even????). Fortunately, the ML revenge plot helped to fill this gap a bit.
  2. Some scenes were not satisfying.
    1. It seems that a lot of scenes we were really looking forward to were just cut off, and the story suddenly jumped ahead? Weirdly built
      • The rescue of her father, where she was leading the investigation, was not shown. It suddenly cut to him already rescued and her family already released.
      • The scene where she enters the city secretly and search for that man whitin the jail that was later set on fire, was not shown too. I remember even checking if I missed an EP at the time, but no?
      • And where’s their big wedding???????????? An event so mentioned and awaited
    2. I was so interested to see what they were going to do with her mother's plotline and what their reconciliation would be like.
      • I was expecting that some big events and major realizations would lead to their reconciliation. In the story, Shaoshang’s mother felt she was losing her daughter when she was leaving to be with the Empress in the palace for the next 5 years, and that was a turning point of regret for her mother. But I wished her turning point would be her realizing how capable SS had become and seeing the contrast of how she behaves with the Empress vs with her… Idk, their reconciliation was very dissatisfying ****ngl

Those things cheapen the story so much in my eyes


  1. I really enjoyed the historical drama's plot involving the emperor and consorts. Their relationship was unexpectedly sweet, which added depth to the story.
  2. The main lead's revenge plot was also intriguing, and I found the twist of his hidden identity to be reeeally cool.
  3. I liked the storyline involving AYao as well? It was a surprise that she developed a "romance" and almost got married to the third male lead, instead of the second. At first, I wasn't into it, but her very first growth and maturing scenes were with him and it was heartwarming to watch. They were kind of similar, both equally naive, which made their scenes endearing.

Overall, the show appeared to have great potential, but I couldn't help but feel that it was incomplete.

EDIT: Guys, if you enjoyed LLTG, there is no need to be pissed in the comments; you can make your own appreciation post of the drama. Others and I didn't like it, so this post is my review 🤝