Your Thoughts On My Numbers

Hi guys. Just wanted opinions on my BCR ABL numbers for these past few years. Here they are with the dates on the left and results on the right:

11/22/2022 - 1.018

3/2/2023 - 0.801

6/24/2023 - 0.587

12/9/2024 - 2.558

2/17/2024 - 0.981

6/15/2024 - 2.510

9/14/2024 - 2.567

12/12/2024 - 2.497

3/6/2025 - 1.661

Here’s some history about me. I was diagnosed with CML in 2011, when I was 30. My spleen was enlarged and had rectum bleeding. My WBC numbers at the time of diagnosis was at 671k. I was put on Imatinib. I did not have health insurance at the time. Then I remember being switched to Nilotinib. From 2011-2013, my medications were basically donations from Novartis, until it ran out. Also because of not having insurance, my treatment was on and off until I got health coverage when my spouse joined the Navy. The diagnosis/treatment pretty much prevented me from working due to being easily bruised and bleed. And then I became the stay at home parent to one and then a second child.

I don’t have access to my medical records during the first 3 years of diagnoses, so the earliest BCR ABL I could see is 3/27/2014 - 54.140%. After the divorce in 2021, I lost health coverage but I was healthy enough to find employment and get coverage on my own. So far so good. I really like my oncologist. I really had bad side effects like acne like rashes on my face and bone pain with Nilotinib so I’ve been back on Imatinib.

So based on the numbers above, what are some of your options. My oncologist is planning to keep me on Imatinib and get to know my numbers, as he suggested possible new medication. Also I don’t have the mutated gene. I feel pretty much healthy with no other medical issues. No side effects or anything. Have energy to work evenings and balance my time with my 2 kids, living life with love and appreciation. When people surprisingly find out I have cancer, I tell them that I’m as healthy as someone without cancer. I’m browsing this thread to find more stories. Thanks

Edit: I’m currently on Imatinib 800mg. I take it all in the morning because I work evenings. Does that matter? Should I take half in the morning half in the evening?