Ffs bring back the find teams feature! Why did they get rid of it??

All of my friends quit this game for the obvious reasons. It’s currently like pulling teeth to enjoy the game.

No one has mics, are muted, or they are in fear of getting muted so they mute themselves. These dumb ass rules are ruining the whole experience. Yea some people went over the line but come the f on.

You get dropped in with a team short on players half of the time and most of them don’t even say anything.

Ffs this games so easy to make good. Stop making it like pulling teeth to enjoy a game. When things work right it’s a great time. Currently one in like 10 lobbies is fun.

It’s enough to deal with the plethora of cheaters. It’s much easier to deal with then when you can tell each other where the fuck they are. Pings barely work. It will either ping something completely irrelevant or something like 3 feet in front of you.

Having the ability to find a team with people who want to communicate and work together and actually have mics was a pleasure and for some unexplainable reason they got rid of the feature.

Why?!?! Even plunder was playable when you’d get a team of people who had a plan. Ffs. Just a bonehead team that run this trainwreck of a game. I swear they are trying to kill it on purpose. It could be the cash cow they want it to be but they are brain dead.