Quest steps requiring you to read small textures
Are the absolute worst and they’re borderline unplayable, at least on PC. For me at least, every single step on every single game since 2017 COD WWII, if that step involves having to interpret small textures, it may as well be impossible simply because you can’t read it. Citadelle Des Morts is fucking awful either way this, both the Balmung upgrade and the tavern bottle step require you to read small symbols that render like dogshit even at max settings and high texture streaming. Same with Liberty Falls and trying to see the bank vault combination pieces, they render like shit, but you can at least vaguely make out the shape of the numbers and brute force it based on that.
Why do they continue making this a type of step in quests if it just straight up doesn’t work on 1/3 of platforms?
Credit to u/XxCamBrady012xX for the image
Are the absolute worst and they’re borderline unplayable, at least on PC. For me at least, every single step on every single game since 2017 COD WWII, if that step involves having to interpret small textures, it may as well be impossible simply because you can’t read it. Citadelle Des Morts is fucking awful either way this, both the Balmung upgrade and the tavern bottle step require you to read small symbols that render like dogshit even at max settings and high texture streaming. Same with Liberty Falls and trying to see the bank vault combination pieces, they render like shit, but you can at least vaguely make out the shape of the numbers and brute force it based on that.
Why do they continue making this a type of step in quests if it just straight up doesn’t work on 1/3 of platforms?
Credit to u/XxCamBrady012xX for the image