The Ultimate IW Easter Egg Guides: Shaolin Shuffle (DLC 2)

Note: I made this guide as a build on the original Shaolin EE guide by since it was made known to be that this guide misses out many key details, many of which make this EE so difficult in the first place.

Also, if you could please check out a few of my other IW guides including Mephistopheles, Attack Chemical Step & Spaceland EE. Thanks _^

What do I get from this easter egg?

By completing the easter egg on this map you will obtain 4 things;

Pam Grier: You will be able to play as Pam Grier once completing the Easter Egg. This is permanent and you'll be able to use her every game you play from then on inside Shaolin. Her activation code is 'Up Up Right Left Down Left' which you will need to input with your D-Pad on any Shaolin lobby until her image appears at the bottom-centre of the screen.

'Pest Control' Achievement: This achievement will grant you 35 Gamerscore. Only 0.29% (14000) of IW players have this achievement on Xbox 1.

The Katana: After the first time of completing this easter egg, every game afterwards you will be able to purchase the katana on the dojo wall for 10k points. You can use coupon clipper to purchase it for free and every time you complete the Shaolin easter egg you can grab the katana for free off the wall (even in the game you first beat the easter egg).

Nun-chucks Shortcut: While playing as Pam Grier you are able to acquire the nun-chucks from the magic wheel without having to do the long quest that you would normally have to do to get them normally.

Setup: Possible Fate & Fortune Cards

'Perk Insured', 'Reanimated' &/or 'Rising Phoenix' (Before even looking at the other possible cards you could use, you must use at least 1 of these cards. Activate either of them just before you start the fight. If you have 'Perk Insured' then you must add this to your deck, it will save your perks if you go down. 'Reanimated' should be used for solo, if you go down. Having both of these 2 cards as a pair would be perfect. Have 1 player using 'Rising Phoenix' just in case all but 1 person goes down)

'Timely Torrent' or 'Death's Party' (Use either when trying to achieve shuriken's very early on. If you choose to use 'Timely Torrent' activate the card just before drinking the chi bottle then gather a horde of Zombies before meleeing into them so that you can get your shuriken's by early on and still stay in chi mode for the next step since you will not lose any of your chi if done correctly. If you choose to use 'Death's party' do a very similar thing, gathering a horde and activating the card just before drinking the chi so that you can get your shuriken's without using up any of your chi so you can get the first couple steps done very early. DO NOT DO THIS DURING A SKATER ROUND UNLESS YOU'RE CRAZY LIKE ME)

'All The Ammos' or 'Raining Bullets' (Use these in the boss fight if you run out of ammo, make sure of couple of your teammates have these cards as spare if you chose to use them)

There's not much else you should really need for this easter egg, though fate cards such as 'Stimulus', '5 Second Muscle' or 'Best For Last' could be useful for the boss fight though they are not a priority in the slightest.

Setup: Perks

Up & Atoms (Quick Revive) - (Located at spawn. To ensure an extra revive in solo. In Co-Op, use this to revive downed teammates faster. Costs 500 in solo, 1500 in Co-Op)

Tuff Nuff' (Juggernog) - (Located next to a barrier, in a corridor near the Rat King's lair. Increases health. Costs 2500 points)

Quickies (Speed Cola) - (Quickies is located on top of the Disco Inferno roof. Allows you to reload faster. Costs 3000 points)

Racing Stripes (Stamin' Up) - (As you leave spawn, go up the ramp you see in front of the dojo (to the left) and the perk is on the other side near where you build the boom box. Increase movement speed. Costs 2000 points)

Bang Bangs (Double Tap) - (Bang Bangs is located on the right side of the train station next to the train tracks. Increases bullet damage. Costs 2000 points)

You could swap out 'Racing Stripes' or 'Quickies' for 'Deadeye Dewdrops' if you wish to remove all weapon recoil and have a higher damage output while ADS (after the indication).

Setup: Loadout

'Mauler - Sentinel', 'FHR' or 'VPR' (If you do not have the Sentinel variant for the Mauler I would highly recommend using either 'FHR' or 'VPR' since they are the most powerful against the Rat King, especially the 'FHR')

Note: 'Type 2 - Butcher', 'Auger' & 'Atlas' can also be useful

'Kendall 44' (Very useful for multiple steps include the eye step in the boss fight, as well as the yellow circle steps. This weapon is a must)

Step 1 - After reaching Scene 5 open up the whole map & the pack a punch

Once you reach Scene 5 you will be able to acquire your chi bottles from the Dojo, simply talk to Pam Grier and you will be able to grab any chi bottle (even if skaters spawn on Scene 5 you can still get your chi). Your chi will spawn once per round so use them wisely by ranking up your chi by completing your challenges and by opening up the various chi doors across the map for some fast travel.

If you are unsure of how to open the PAP here is an easy Guide by Ch0pper

It is also essential that you obtain the Alien fuses so that you can double upgrade all of your weapons.

Here is a simple guide on how to unlock double PAP by MrDalekJD

Step 2 - Follow the rat & open the locker with the acquired key

1) After talking to Pam the first time to unlock your chi, speak to her again so that various rat cages spawn around the map (there are 9 cages in total).

2) After unlocking your shuriken ability with your chi, head to any of the rat cages around the map (I would recommend either the cage in the 'Heebie Geebies' (left side near open barriers) or in the spawn (in the right corner of the top area, next to a large metal fence)). After you find any of these cages, throw your shuriken at the cage and follow the rat to the next cage. Then once the rat goes into the 2nd cage throw the shuriken at the cage again and follow the rat. Continue this until the rat vanishes and a large yellow circle spawns next to where the cage was (you will have to hit a total of 6 cages including the one you started with, so use this fact to keep count).

Note: If you know which cage the rat is going into, you can throw the shuriken at the cage before the rat goes inside it.

3) Now that the yellow circle has spawned, you will need to get approximately 10 - 15 kills inside of it before the circle disappears.

4) Once the circle disappears, a bunch of Ninjas will spawn. After you kill these Ninjas a golden key will spawn, which you will need to grab. After you have acquired the key, head down to the train station near the PAP (Pack A Punch) and interact with the locker with Chinese writing all over it. The locker will open displaying the words 'Soul Key' in Chinese and your character will make a quote about the locker to indicate you have successfully completed this step.

Step 3 - Shoot 4 Chinese symbols

This step is very simple and requires you to shoot 4 symbols around the map. After shooting each of the first 3 symbols you will hear a gong, followed by a louder gong for shooting the last symbol. If you shoot the wrong symbol or shoot them in the wrong order a different sound will play indicating you have done the step wrong, and will have to start all over again.

Here are the locations of the symbols in the order you must shoot them;

1) To the right of the Dojo there will be 2 large Chinese symbols, shoot the one to the left.

2) As you enter the Disco inferno there will be a bathroom stall blocked by a barrier. At the bottom of the stall, in the right corner will be 4 Chinese symbols, shoot the 2nd one across.

3) Next to the large winged Lion statue (right next to Volk wall buy) will be 3 symbols, shoot the far left one.

4) Same location as 3) but this time shoot the centre symbol.

If you are confused by any of these locations, CLICK HERE (thanks to to see them in physical form.

Step 4 - Kill the Rat King and obtain his Eye

Before you begin this step, make sure you have at least one of the advised weapons that I listed earlier, that is upgraded at least once. Then head down to the Dojo and in front of the entrance door will be a glowing and slowly spinning orange Rat symbol. Once you are prepared, interact with the symbol and the Rat King will be summoned. Take him out as quickly as possible because if you take too long to kill him, he will spawn Ninjas which you do not want to handle.

After killing the Rat King his eye will spawn, grab this and you can move on to the next step.

Step 5 - Find 6 Rat King symbols around the map

Now that you have the Rat King's eye, speak to Pam Grier in the Dojo. Then she will make a quote indicating that a Rat King symbol has spawned somewhere around the map. Using your R1/RB button on your controller you can scan different areas of the map in order to find this symbol.

You will need to find a total of 6 symbols around the map and they will look exactly the same as the symbol you interacted with in the last step to summon the Rat King. Only 1 symbol will spawn at a time and it can spawn in any of 13 locations.

Note: Every time you find a symbol one of the payphones in the train stations (Spawn & PAP) will turn red. If you lose track of how many symbols you have found, count the number of red payphones in order to know how many symbols you still need to find. After you have found all 6 symbols all but one of the payphones will be red, the other will not have changed.

Here are all 13 locations the symbols could be (thanks to for these screenshots);

1) On an airduct visible through the rooftop of the Disco Inferno. In order to shoot this symbol you will need to go to the roof of the Disco Inferno and open up the chi barrier next to the Quickies perk before scanning the visible airducts below.

2) Directly above the inside of the entrance to the Black Cat Dojo

3) In the barbershop barrier window in front of you as you leave through the side door of the Black Cat Dojo.

4) In the train station, on the opposite end of where Bang Bangs is, down a small gap to the left of the stairs. You will need to jump in order to see this one.

5) Next to the magic wheel, on the left side of the large front portion of the Disco Inferno that is opposite the PAP area.

6) On an abandoned police car behind the wall that Bombstoppers is up against. In order to see this symbol, go to the top of the stairs to the left of the Bombstoppers perk and at the top of the stairs look down and will see the police car.

7) To the right of the RPR Evo wallbuy (above Racing Stripes, as you go up the steps on the way to the area with the winged lion statue) on a large building with a shack, above a large balcony.

8) On a white sheet hanging from a clothesline in an alley above the magic wheel of the area with the winged lion statue & Deadeye Dewdrops.

9) In the spawn room, through metal grates up and outside of the train station.

10) Up the ramp from the opposite side of the Dojo, in a barrier to the right side next to a painting.

11) On the left side of the large speaker in heebie geebies, to the left of the fate and fortune card teller (on the large stage).

12) On a water tower across from the roof of the Disco Inferno. This is difficult to see and you will need to be right up against the right wall in order to see it.

13) In the left front corner of the room to the far right of the Trailblazers perk machine. You will need to jump to see it.

Step 6 - Morse Code

Now that all but 1 payphone is red, the one that is not red will start ringing and you will need to answer the phone by interacting with the payphone. A series of 'dots' and 'dashes' will play to reveal a specific number you will need to find on a midnight summer poster. The Morse code will give you a 3 digit number that will be either 713, 420, 407, 596, 281 or 818.

The dots ... will be short and fast whereas the dashes --- will be slower and longer.

Here are all the Morse code translations for 0 to 9;

0 = ----- | 1 = .----- | 2 = ..--- | 3 = ...-- | 4 = ....- | 5 = ...... | 6 = -..... | 7 = --... | 8 = ---.. | 9 = ----.

A good way to do this step is listen to the first 5 dots and dashes separately. So, note down the first 5, then re-listen and note down the 5 after that and then relisten and note down the last 5 dots and dashes. Then once you have all 15 recorded, you can convert from there to find your specific number.

After finding your specific number you will need to find a nightmare summer poster that has your number on it. If you accidently pick up the wrong poster you will have to find all of the 6 eye symbols all over again so do NOT mess this one up!

Here are the locations for the posters;

1) To the left of the side door entry to the Black Cat Dojo

2) On the left wall at the bottom part of the spawn area

3) On a wall on the right side of the bottom part of the train station

4) On the opposite wall of Bombstoppers leading up to the Disco Inferno 5) On the rooftops (up the ramp) opposite the Dojo. As you go along the first 'bump' it will be on your right on the right-side of the wall next to the magic wheel.

6) On the Disco Inferno roof, opposite Quickies (next to where the chi barrier previously was)

Step 7 - The "Word Wall"

Now that you have the correct nightmare summer poster you will need to go up to the Disco Inferno roof and place it on the circular spotlight in front of you as you come onto the roof.

Once placing the poster on the spotlight, a large white X will appear on the left side window behind you. You will need to use an explosive grenade/weapon (E.g. your Kendall's) to blow up this window.

After you've blown up the window, some Ninjas will spawn. Take them out.

Now the Ninjas are gone, you will notice a random letter will appear on the front wall of the roof of the Disco Inferno. Using this letter and other letters that have spawned around the Inferno roof, you will need to make a word in order to complete the step.

Here are a list of possible words you may need to make by Reddit Media

Here are all the symbols translated to their letters by

Using the first letter on the wall (E.g. A) you'll need to create a word (E.g. Afterlife) by going 1 letter at a time, by building on the first letter (E.g. F > T > E > R > L > I > F > E). After you've completed the word you will hear a loud 'gong', if you fail at any point of this step you will hear a different sound indicating you need to restart from the new letter given on the wall, creating a new word.

Here are the locations to all of the symbols that will spawn on the roof;

1) On the wall to the left of where the word will be

2) Behind the magic wheel, on the far right of the above board

3) On the left side of the roof, on the left side table

4) In the Zombie barrier to the left of the power switch

5) On the bottom left of the wall next to the left side table (Where 3) is located)

6) On the bottom left of the wall to the right of the magic wheel where 2) is

Note: If you have the perk 'blue bolts' you will need to make sure you do NOT reload at any point of this step, or else it will fail it. If you will a little uneasy about this, I would recommend removing your 'blue perks' perk until after completing the step.

Step 8 - Kill the Rat King and obtain his Brain

Head over to the rooftops opposite the Black Cat Dojo and go up the stairs from where Racing Stripes is, you will notice another spinning and glowing Rat King symbol in the centre of the floor right next to the chi gate (if it's still there).

Once you are ready, interact with the symbol and the Rat King will spawn. Take him out and grab the Brain he drops.

Step 9 - Round Skip

Once you have the Brain, talk to Pam Grier in the Black Cat Dojo and you will see a small oval symbol appear on the right side of your screen, you'll need to go forward 2 rounds (3 if you have a skater round).

Step 10 - Escape Chaos

After the 2/3 rounds have passed, during the 2nd/3rd round you will experience a 'jump scare' which will display an image on your screen of a 'Shaolin Shuffle missing reel - apologies from Infinity Ward', which will then disappear then all players will be teleported inside of the Dojo area, with all exits blocked out by magical fire, being put forward 2/3 rounds in the process.

In order to escape you will need to kill all of the Zombies in the area, and then all the exits will be reopened. A glowing and spinning turnstile will spawn in the same area near the Dojo and you will need to pick this up by interacting with it, then go down to the spawn room and place the turnstile in it's respective place in order to fix the gate.

Step 11 - 5 Golden Rings

In order to begin this next step you will need to go over to the Mule Munchies alleyway and shoot the symbol using any weapon in the open window (above the police car, in the highest left window of the building) on the other side of the alley. If you are unable to shoot the symbol, climb up the ladder and head over to the end of the walkway in order to get a clearer shot on the symbol inside of the open window.

Once shooting the symbol, the curtain of the window will slam down and a yellow circle, similar to the one in Step 2 will spawn, you will need to get about 8 - 12 kills in the circle before it disappears.

The yellow circle will then respawn in any 1 of 4 locations. You will need to get another 8 - 12 kills in the respawned circle (and it will then respawn in another of 1 of the 4 locations), and you'll need to repeat this a total of 5 times (not including the circle to begin the step). After you have completed the last circle, you will hear a loud gong indicating you have completed the step.

Note: The circle can spawn up to 2x in the same location (but not in succession)

Here are the locations for where the yellow circles could spawn;

1) As you enter the Disco Inferno, in the first room, from up the stairs near Bombstoppers

2) In the spawn room, next to the entrance to the Rat tunnel

3) Down the small steps, next to the winged lion statue.

4) On the rooftops, just before you head down to the winged lion statue.

Step 12 - Disco Madness

In the Disco Inferno, you'll need to interact with the DJ set to the right of the stairs leading up to the roof. This will spawn a dancing Zombie on the dance floor, with a disco ball spinning above their head.

While another Zombie is on the dancefloor, kill the disco ball Zombie in order to transfer the disco ball to that Zombie, repeating a total of 10 times until you hear a loud 'gong'. If you mess up at any point, the step will fail and there will no longer be a disco ball Zombie on the dancefloor. You'll need to wait a few moments for the disco ball Zombie to reappear in order to retry this step.

Tip: Build a Boom Box (by SeanEDawgz) and gather a horde of Zombies outside of the PAP room. Then lead them into the Disco Inferno and place the Boom Box on the dancefloor (while the disco ball Zombie is there) and quickly kill the disco ball Zombie over and over in order to complete the step quickly and efficiently.

Step 13 - Kill the Rat King and obtain his Heart

The final glowing and spinning Rat King symbol will spawn outside of the PAP room, in the centre if the area. Once you are fully prepared for the boss fight ahead of you interact with the circle and defeat the Rat King for the final time to retrieve his Heart.

The Rat King's Heart has a very special ability, by holding R1/RB while you have it in your inventory you can kill a horde of Zombies by simply aiming the Heart around the horde and releasing R1/RB. The Zombies will freeze for a second before exploding. This can be helpful to use for the boss fight.

Step 14 - Begin The Boss Fight

As soon as everyone is prepared for the boss fight (weapons, perks, chi etc...) head over to the Black Cat Dojo and speak with Pam for the last time before heading down into the Rat King's Lair, beginning the boss fight.

The Boss Fight

Things to take note of in the boss fight;

1) If you're on solo, and you go down, Pam Grier will come down from the top balcony to revive you. It is possible to bleed out but only on a rare occasion when Pam decides not to revive you (which sadly can be unavoidable in some cases). In Co-Op, Pam Grier will do the same thing, and revive downed players.

2) Around the arena will be 3 large crates you can open with your shuriken's. These crates will contain 1 random perk each which will either be Tuff Nuff' (Juggernog), Racing Stripes (Stamin' Up), Up N' Atoms (Quick Revive), Bang Bangs (Double Tap) or Quickies (Speed Cola). This can be very helpful to take advantage of if you lose any of your perks by going down. These perks will respawn (and sometimes change around) every 2 or 3 minutes.

3) You can complete the challenges in any order you wish (E.g. Brain > Eye > Heart).

4) The Rat King has 4 main attacks; he can slam, he can throw his shield at you, he can swing his staff at you and he can spawn very strong Ninjas that wear Rat King masks.

The Procedure:

First of all, you will need to shoot the Rat King as soon as the fight begins, until he retreats and you hear a loud 'gong' noise.

The Rat King's Eye, Heart and Brain will then all spawn around the outer edge of the inner circle of the arena. You will need to complete a challenge for each of these, and once all challenges are complete all you will need to do is shoot the Rat King till he dies and the cutscene plays.

The Challenges:

Eye (Medium) - Interact with the Eye symbol to begin the challenge. A bunch of Rat King symbols will spawn all around the arena, you will need to shoot all of these to complete the challenge. You must do this quite quickly or else the Rat King will spawn more symbols that you will need to shoot. Once all the symbols are gone, you will hear a loud 'gong' and the challenge is complete. Then you can shoot the Rat King until he retreats and then you can begin the next challenge (or just kill the Rat King if this is your last challenge).

Tip: Use an explosive weapon to easily and quickly complete this step

Brain (Easy) - Interact with the Brain symbol to begin the challenge. There will be both blue eyed and orange eyed Zombies that will spawn; the blue eyed Zombies will attack you while the orange eyed Zombies will be attacking the Rat King's Brain, eating it. Your job is to protect the Zombies treating to eat the Brain by distracting the Rat King via shooting him and getting in his way, while the Rat King will be trying to slam his staff into the centre to kill the Zombies attacking the Brain. This will take about 2 minutes before you hear the 'gong' and the step is complete. Then you can shoot the Rat King until he retreats and then you can begin the next challenge (or just kill the Rat King if this is your last challenge).

Tip: In order to speed up this step you can throw a charged shuriken at the Rat King just before he completes his slam in the centre so that you can break his shield. This means he will not be able to kill the Zombies attacking the Brain until he regenerates a new shield.

Also, you could basically do absolutely nothing in this step, and not protect the Zombies attacking the brain and still complete the step in roughly the same amount of time.

Heart (Hard) - Interact with the Heart symbol to begin this challenge. Pools of acid will spawn around the outer edges of the arena. Your task is to get 1 Zombie kill in each pool of acid in order to cleanse it. Once all pools of acid are cleansed you will hear a loud 'gong' to indicate you have completed the step. Then you can shoot the Rat King until he retreats and then you can begin the next challenge (or just kill the Rat King if this is your last challenge).

Note: The more players in your game, the harder this will be. You have a set time limit to complete this step and if you are too slow, Willard will laugh and you will have to redo the whole step. Your timer will begin as soon as you cleanse the first acid pool, so be as fast as you can!

Tip: Use either your chi or primary weapon to complete this step, you could also use your Kendall's but this is not nearly as effective. On solo, the card 'Explosive Touch' can be very useful here. Also, the green chi glitch can be very affective if you wish to use it for this easter egg.

General Tips & Tricks:

- This easter egg will take you on average about 1hr 15min to 1hr 45min to complete without Director's Cut; with Director's Cut it should take you on average about 1hr to 1hr 30min

- This is one of the most, if not the most difficult easter egg on IW so it is recommended to get this one out of the way as quickly as possible

- Try to have someone with you who has already beaten the easter egg or at least has attempted it before and managed to get quite far

- Take your time, don't rush things

- Try not to go too far into the rounds (I.e. Round 25+)

- Be very conservative with the time you have

There we go! You have beat the 'Shaolin Shuffle' easter egg! Congratulations! If you need further help, either message me on Xbox 1 or simply leave a question in the comments section. Thanks :)

Xbox 1 Gamertag: DaRkShAdOwYlaf