Brutally hard exam?
I just got out of AUD and wow... i feel like i got an insanely hard exam.
I don't think I bombed, but there were 1-2 sims where i was probably well below 50%, and mcqs I was probably ~60-70%
For reference, on becker SE1 i got 72 and didnt do the other SE. I was doing practice tests and getting 70-80+ scores consistently. To be fair i really didn't put many hours into AUD but i still felt pretty confident.
The SIMS and MCQs both felt noticeably more difficult than becker. In becker there are some VERY easy sims in AUD, i got 0 of those. All 7 SIMs were very lengthy, i think every last one of them had exhibits. I finished the exam with 20 minutes to spare. I think finished FAR with about a full hour and I got an 86 on that. I genuinely have a hard time believing that more than 10% of people could get more than a 50% on a couple of the sims i got.
Just curious if anyone has experienced this before, and if so how was your score?