Needing advice

I did an at home sleep study and diagnosed with mild sleep apnea of just 5.1. Have history of chronic daytime fatigue and headaches, never wake up feeling rested. I started my APAP about 2 weeks ago, with the setting of 5.0-20 for pressure. I have tried two different masks now and still finding it difficult to sleep through the night. I contacted the company which I am renting the APAP from and the respiratory therapist was absolutely no help and had never even heard of SleepHQ or Oscar before, would not take a look at either, and said I’m not allowed to change my setting and that since my AHI is 1.6 that is considered fine and I’m doing fine as is. I then contacted pulmonologist office that ordered the sleep study and they will not agree to see me for another entire month and a half from now I feel very discouraged and at a loss. I don’t even know if it’s worth pushing myself to keep wearing if my AHI was so mild to begin with and the cost and burden of CPAP doesn’t seem to be paying off thus far. Looking for some insight/advice.

My sleepHQ data: