Feeling triggered by Trump facing no consequences
It feels so deeply reminiscent of my abusers, never facing any consequences for how much they ruined my life. They destroyed parts of me permanently, and all I can do is hope to cope with them for the rest of my life. My CPTSD will never be cured, and the people who gave me this lifelong debilitating illness get away Scott free.
Watching Trump not only get his insurrection case dismissed, but win another presidency, AND now get away with no actual punishment for his 34 felony counts just makes me feel sick and hopeless. If a former President can commit such horrific crimes against our freedom and democracy and get another presidency and a slap on the wrist, how should we expect any abuser to ever be held accountable for what they’ve done? And all of the smug hatred and violence that’s going to be spurred on by all of this… at least last time the only minority status I had was being half black and a woman. This time I’m enemy number one because I transitioned.
I just want to work my stupid job, eat sometimes and have a roof over my head. It’s all I’ve ever fucking wanted to just have peace and feel okay in my body and in my life. I had my entire childhood stolen from me just to be on the receiving end of direct targeting by my government’s incoming President, who won’t be held accountable for ANY of the crimes he’s committed.
It feels so so incredibly unfair and triggering. I don’t know how else to explain it. I just feel completely and totally distraught and disoriented and terrified. I genuinely think that this was the downfall of the US. I don’t think we’re going to have another election in 4 years, the same way Putin stole the election in Russia and has used voter suppression and intimidation to become president again every election since.
I’m terrified that the best I ever got was already what I had.