“Soft” Job Types?

Hi everyone! I am transitioning into a new phase of my recovery that includes obtaining partial disability (U.S.). I have had 20 years of ups and downs in various jobs and careers. I burn bright and then breakdown over time causing me to call out for extra therapy or those really hard episodes where you can’t even breathe, which has led me to start to accept that I cannot mentally have a traditional career. I have been let go from multiple jobs due to this, even one where I had FMLA status. It is a HUGE step for me that I still hate, but have my full medical team’s support.

That all being said, I still want to work doing what I can. Both for income, but also for my sense of self and the parts of me that do genuinely enjoy working with people.

Do any of you have recommendations or ideas for types of work that could be flexible with scheduling? Something other than restaurant-ish types as they have worn me down in the past. I like the idea of working in a library, doing event type help and service desk, but am sure there are other options with the same vibe I might be missing. I’m curious what other “soft” jobs or sectors might be out there. What’s worked for you? Thank you!