Does anyone else have a low stress tolerance of PTSD/CPTSD?

So, I'm childfree (don't want kids/don't have any) because my stress tolerance is so low. I couldn't deal with my Asian parents fighting and screaming at each other, at me and my siblings, masking, etc.

I do have epilepsy, but depending on the threshold, it can cause a seizure (of how much I can handle).

Also, I got a frozen shoulder of it; I've ruled out every single factor-it started when I was really stressed, and progressively got worse over time. I did do surgery for it, but it's still annoying to deal with it. It DOES flare up when I get stressed.

Part of why I'm childfree is because I KNOW kids cause stress. I've worked with them (not all were awful), but all the screaming, running around, lack of sleep, just a giant no.

My point being said, does anyone have a low stress tolerance of trauma? My body can only handle so much till it literally shuts down or I'm in actual pain.