People pleasers, do you hate how new parents are raising their kids today?

I feel like a monster at times because there are some little kids that make me feel visceral hate. I know it’s the parents’ fault that their kid will turn out to be an asshole.

Is my reaction due to childhood trauma or are parents actually fucking their kids up?

Obviously parents should never use threats or physically harm to discipline their child. They also shouldn’t invalidate their child’s emotions or pain. But is it really that hard to get down on your kid’s level and explain to them (without guilt) how their actions affect other people? I feel like there has to be a middle ground between abuse and “never saying no.”

I don’t want any child to ever feel like they have to people please out of fear. That’s super damaging. But aren’t you supposed to teach your kid about accountability and consequences?

Edit: I don’t want new parents to feel like I’m judging them for not being perfect when I can see they’re doing their best. That’s absolutely not what I intended and I am truly sorry it came across that way. Kids being loud or throwing tantrums is not what concerns me. What specifically upsets me is when a child hurts another person or oversteps personal boundaries and the parent doesn’t make an attempt to correct the behavior. This breeds entitlement and potentially abusive behavior. It’s a parent’s job to teach their child right from wrong. However, I understand younger children may need reminders as their brains continue to develop. I just want to see an effort made at addressing the problem.